1. What minor did you pursue? And where?
Organization Sciences at Tilburg University (TSB).

2. Why did you choose this?

I found the organization-focused courses in my bachelor’s interesting, so I decided to investigate whether I would also find a study that focuses entirely on organizations interesting.

3. What courses did you take?

Organization Development

Relations And Networks of Organizations (RANO)

Strategic Decision Making

Innovation, Organizations, & Entrepreneurship

Organizational Development

4. Did you move to Tilburg for this minor?

No, I already lived in Tilburg.

5. Did you like it?
I didn’t really like the minor itself: while doing it, I realized that Organizational Science wasn’t really for me and that CIS actually was the best fit for me. This was (obviously) not the result you hope for when you start a minor, but nevertheless it is a nice insight to have.

6. Was it difficult to transition?

I started this minor at the “wrong” time, taking the introductory course Organization Theory as my last course. This caused me to feel like I was missing out on knowledge in many courses because the courses build on a lot of the theory from this course.

In the end, this “lag” was not so bad, because I took some time to look up these theories in many courses.

7. Did you know someone that also did this minor?
