What minor did you do? And where?
Human Resources at Tilburg University.

Why did you choose this?
I always found the business side of communication very interesting and that’s why the Human Resources minor was very much in line with my interests, since Human Resource Management and the balance between company results and the interests of employees are the main focus of this study. I chose this minor because I wanted to learn more about corporate communication and find out more about the optimal policy within the organization.

What courses did you do?
Work, Well-being & Performance.
Strategic Human Resource Management.
Financial and Project Management.
Individual Assessment in Organisations.
Managing Social Capital.

Did you move to Tilburg for this minor?
No, I was already living in Tilburg and since the minor was offered by Tilburg University, this did not involve any extra travel time.

How did you like it?
As expected, the courses were very focused on getting the best out of employees and they ensured that I have gained more knowledge about the policy within organizations. Things were also looked at from a strategic perspective and the focus was on the (financial) consequences for the organization, without losing sight of the well-being of the workers. In addition, Human Resources is a study in which a lot has to be presented during class. I also enjoyed doing this, as we don’t have to do this very often at CIS. I found the courses I took very interesting and easy to follow without a lot of prior knowledge.

Was it hard to switch?
Human Resource Studies is a bachelor which does not work with semesters like CIS, but with blocks. This means that the courses were spread over four blocks, which means that you have classes more often in the week and that the workload seems to be higher. This took some getting used to. I really liked the block courses themselves, because in a shorter period of time you learn more about a certain subject, which makes it easier for you to remember the material you have learned. In terms of deadlines, Human Resources is very similar to CIS. To finish most subjects, a group assignment had to be carried out and an exam had to be taken.

Did you know someone else who did this minor? 
Yes, a fellow student took the same courses, but in some of the working groups of certain courses I did not know anyone at first. However, because there are many group assignments, you quickly get to know new people.