In Events

For the following weeks, study spaces will be available to study for your finals. You do not have to sign up, just come whenever you’d like, and bring a friend or study fully focused on your own! The following spaces will be available from 10.00h to 17.00h:

Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14
Monday RTZ 501, RTZ 502 RT 101, RT 104 RTZ 501, RTZ 502 RT 501, RTZ 502
Tuesday RTZ 303 RTZ 502 RTZ 502, RTZ 202 RTZ 202, RTZ 502
Wednesday RTZ 103 RTZ 501, RTZ 502 RTZ 501, RTZ 502
Thursday RTZ 003 RT 101, RT 104 RTZ 501, RTZ 502 RTZ 501, RTZ 502
Friday RT 201, RT 204 RT 101, RT 104 RT 101, RT 104 RT 101, RT 104

Whether we see you or not, good luck with your exams!