In Events

Aaah, spring. Time for a big cleanup. But what do we have here? Oh, old childhood pictures from the 00s. I wish we could go back to those good old days.

What if I told you that for one evening you can! On the 25th of April, we are going Back to the 00s with our annual Spring Cantus. Sing, drink, and above all, enjoy the songs of your youth one more time. And what would a cantus be without some punishment chugs? So nominate your friends and see them downing their drinks in the famous garden of Café Brandpunt. Sign up and enjoy the throwback jams of your childhood with unlimited beer and wine for only €25,-! The doors will open at 19:30, and at 20:00, we will travel 20 years back in time. We hope to see you there! Maybe even dressed up as yourself in one of your sweet childhood pictures?

Registrations close on April 22nd at 23:59.

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