In Events, Upcoming Event

We hope you are excited for a fun evening, because the Flow Date Dinner will take place on the 20th of February! We will meet at Het Wapen van Tilburg (Spoorlaan 362, 5038 CD Tilburg) at 18:30. The dress code for this evening will be Black tie.

For the low price of €35,- per person you will get to enjoy a 3-course meal, a bottle of wine and a welcome drink. Every course will have a vegetarian option. Do you want to come, but do you not have a date? No problem! Fill in the form with your preferences so the board can match you with someone. If you want to bring your own date, make sure to fill in the information about both of you in the form. Don’t feel like having a romantic date? Feel free to bring a friend to catch up while enjoying a nice dinner!

If you are matched to someone by the board you will only have to pay the €35,- for yourself. When you are bringing your own date you will be asked to pay €70,- for the both of you.

You do not want to miss this evening, so sign up quickly! There are limited spots available. The deadline for signing up is on the 8th of February, 23:59.

This form is closed for submissions because the entry limit has been reached.