1. Where did you grow up?

I was born in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. I lived there until the age of 23 when I decided to move to China to study first the mandarin language and subsequently a  research master’s.

2. If you already did studies in your home country, what were they like?

Just different, but I have to say that the life balance that you can find here in the Netherlands while studying is quite enjoyable.

3. Why did you decide to study in Tilburg?

I chose Tilburg mainly because of the program (Data Science and Society). After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and a master’s degree in Politics I was looking for a program that could help me merging the knowledge and skills that I acquired earlier, and DSS was exactly it.

4. What did you find difficult when you arrived here?

Getting to know new people… Corona times!

What do you think is best about Tilburg University about internationals?

The university always tries to help us, even finding internships/jobs. I’ve never felt alienated as an international, and that’s priceless.

5. What is the biggest difference between studying in your home country?

Academic load

6. What do you like about Tilburg?

It has everything you need and the distances between places aren’t long at all. In other words, it is a city that makes you feel at home almost instantly.

7. What is the best place to go for internationals arriving in Tilburg?

If you arrive in the summer, go to Piushaven and take a boat ride, it’s quite a nice adventure (especially if you don’t know how to row XD ). If you are one of the winter comers, wear a thick jacket and go to visit the beautiful TU campus and the forest behind it.