Hii Flowers!

As a student at Tilburg University, you have the opportunity to actively participate in representation at various levels (university, faculty, university, or national). Did you know this already? In addition to having a say in various matters concerning Tilburg University’s education and organization, you also gain valuable experience! Active TSHD wants to help Flow members getting a better understanding of the possibilities for participation within our faculty.

Tilburg University can be divided into five different faculties, and you all fall under the faculty: Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD). Within a faculty, the faculty council is the most important central representation body. During two-monthly meetings, staff and students come together to advocate for views and interests in education, research, policy, and decision-making. Annually, five staff members and five students are elected as representatives in the TSHD elections. Active TSHD currently holds four student seats, and there is one independent seat holder.

Further, has each study a program committee that informs the faculty board about educational matters. Students are also involved in these committees! Program committees advise on various topics and monitor the quality of programs, plans, and activities. Finally, Fractie Active TSHD also has a “sounding board group”, where committee members periodically meet to discuss various topics. This input can then be taken into account within the faculty councils!

Altogether, there are plenty of opportunities! Seize the chance to make your voice heard and make a difference in decision-making at your faculty! For more information, interest, or questions, you can contact Active TSHD. Active TSHD is eager to help Flow members gain more
insight into participation via studentpartyactive.tshd@gmail.com.