1) How would you describe your committee in three words and why?

Creative, because I’m positively surprised every time ideas have to be submitted for the Flowzine. I also think we complement each other very well, so ‘complementary’, in one word. Also, during the year the committee has become more and more ambitious in their ideas.

2) What does the InFlow Committee do again?

The InFlow publishes the Flowzine three times a year and the newsletter (the InFlow!) every month. In addition, we maintain the blog (tocommunicate.nl).

3) What is it like being commissioner of your committee?

Above all, it’s great fun! I think it’s really interesting to see how each committee member really has their own input, and each time you start over with the development of the next Flowzine we become more familiar with each other and each other’s qualities.

4) What new things have you introduced this year?

I’m very much about organizing, so I’ve been doing a lot of structuring in the format of the newsletter and the Flowzine. Currently, we’re also working on some really cool things surrounding the blog.

5) How is this InFlow Committee different from last year’s committee?

This year, for the first time in three years, the InFlow is not made up of exclusively women! In addition, last year we were still somewhat searching for what was a good balance between formal and informal for the Flowzine, because the format had just been flipped. I think we’ve pretty much found that now, even if a year from now they may not agree at all, haha.

6) What were your goals, committee-wise?

I really wanted the InFlow “products” (the newsletter, the blog and the Flowzine) to be more known and maybe even looked forward to, especially the Flowzine. I hear quite often that people don’t read them or don’t even know they exist, and that can be quite demotivating. I certainly don’t rate myself so highly that I think everyone is on the edge of their seats for the Flowzine right now, but I think we’ve definitely set the stage for that.

7) If time and resources were not an issue, what would you want to organize?

Actually, I would simply love to send the Flowzines to people at home, even outside of Tilburg. But if we’re really thinking big: because of the space limitations of the Flowzine, we often have to discard half of very interesting interviews, so I think it would be really cool to film the interviews professionally and make them accessible for members. We also played around with the idea of combining the recipe in the Flowzine with an interview this year. My dream version of this is to record you making a recipe the interviewee brought in a studio kitchen and interviewing them at the same time in an informal way.

Rosa van der Vleuten

Commissioner InFlow Committee 2020-2021